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Seeds is a new Cosmetics brand Made in Morocco, imagined and developed using natural ingredients from Africa and around the world, with a strong inspiration of our ancestral traditions, our homemade Hammam rituals and our beauty secrets that manifest lightness and purity.
Our rituals, our products and their components, each one of them tell a story to be transmitted from one generation to another. They draw their harmony from the wisdom of nature offering a powerful synergy to our beauty heritage.

Seeds, is first and foremost a committed and responsible brand that advocates transparency, encourages the work of local cooperatives, fair trade and respect for our planet.
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Our history

Above all, it’s a family heritage, a legacy transmitted from mothers to daughters, a love for nature rooted from our childhood and whose bond continues to strengthen over the years, these are our values that we affect and want to share through Seeds for future generations.

It is a journey during which we invite you to reconnect with nature while being at home during a cocooning afternoon, during a lazy Sunday or a ME time evening, or even during your travels with your essential beauty.

Why Marrakech?

It was in Marrakech, in this very inspiring city by its history and its magic, in the prestigious Majorelle garden, surrounded by plants and seeds, that we had this ambition to share with the world our history, our identity and our recipes…

An ambition that despite the COVID episode, we were enlightened to take advantage of this parenthesis and ask us about our real essential needs away from a superficial universe, a question that could confirm our fundamental conviction: Back to the basics.
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At Seeds, we are very attached to our African origins, our clean identity, our minimalist approach aimed at maximum efficiency.